Magic for Kids of Ukraine - Summer'22

When: Monday-July 18 at ~3:30pm local time (i.e., 6:30 AM PST)  

What: Live street performance by young artists from Saratoga High School, California.

Where: 25 Sophienstraße Dresden, Germany.

Or remotely on Instagram Live @musicandgoodinconcert

Note that all details are subject to changes and even cancellation, based on local conditions and government agency permissions.

Magic is moved to action by the relentless and inhumane suffering of the innocent kids of Ukraine, for no fault of theirs!

We bring you "Magic For Kids of Ukraine", an initiative that aims to deliver 3 entertaining events from 3 different continents this summer. We shall kick off this initiative from Europe!

Please stay tuned for further details on this and other events planned this summer to deliver Magic For Kids of Ukraine! 

Magic's humble impact continues to be powered by your love and support! We therefore urge you to help by Donating generously at the link below, Subscribing to our social media channels, and Spreading the word about our initiative!

Final proceeds from this effort shall be donated to a non-profit organization like “Save the Children”, or another entity doing on the ground work for the benefit of our beneficiaries above!